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Johnny Dahmer - REQUIEM 

Johnny Dahmer   


Released August 2024  

Reviewed September 9th 2024 DJ Rockin wolf DJ for www.rockabillyradio.Net 

Recorded at his Home studio in California. So ya krezed Rockin, stompin, hardcore rockabilly neo, psychobilly kats n gothabilly hell hounds. Here we have, thankfully another very unique band, which as a main rule are far and far between, to add to our crazy  kollection. The killer title of the bands name is.... J. Dahmer...!!... A hum...dahmer,? ...yep ,  heeeerrreeess Johnny  Dahmer. A three piece rockabilly gothabilly band from, Riverside, California, what a place.  With there self named and self penned E.P. REQUIEM   

The 3 piece s of the band an culminated ..(in the graveyard lab) soo koool),by Brandon Anderson, koool lad at front on guitar and voxs, Moises  Mondragon the ( noise dragon..(hope he dont mind that) the lad with the big quiff n wild shades, on stand up slaps n bashin  bass, and Mike Shepherdthe,  koool ghoul behind the metal  structure an skins thumpin and kickin the drums.  They self-produced and recorded their last EP, Requiem, and the previous Full length, Phantoms and Phobias at their home studio. Whatta krzy koool bunch they are and not to forget the cover.... 3 tone dark blue cover with the 3 Kats standing by the wall lookin koool, in order. Moises with arms crossed and white rim shades, white topped quiff, Brandon pulling his collar and his leg up on wall. Mike lighting his smoke up with shades on. All wearing black little white trim.... very traditional koool hard lookin rockers...and the name above done in white retro big bold letterin and requiem in static cursive font at lower side. So. shall we get a killer kraken move on with their hellish upbeat sound...ohhh yea. So, to start we have 


If anyone out there knows the original hit by, I think? Radiohead.1990s Indie rock classic...Showing myself here now. which was big hit, quite slow progressive esp on drums, the boys have done a great record, A great compliment. I wonder if they heard this 1 of it... Here we have a superb steady, with slight effect of echo distort on a few bars on the guitar on a basic single chord pattern, like a double step, then the intro of drums n vox. The drums with its brill steady flow of cymbal and snare, bass with accents on extra drum roll snare fills and cymbal crashers, perfect accompaniment on the ongoing dance stompin feelin on bass, and the vox on deep low key with little added effects, slight haunting sound.  


A slower paced track with a steady intro of the guitar. solo notes on up & down scale clear plucked with little heavier effect on the drums between bars, then the bass adding to the ensemble and becoming very progressive. Stepping up the cymbal until a short eruption of the 3 blasting together. Just great sounding while trotting the dancehall or living room floor with a haunting feelin....who said that. 


Ooh I it.stop drooling. A sharp quick opening on this number of all three members together. Its wild, erratic jumper intro. A few bars then somewhat quicker. long and high notes with low pitch vox. The instruments playin all the way and speeding up even more for this super spooky crazy mad perversion of a track. halfway through to the end and it gets even quicker. Wicked   

Miss atomic bomb   

Well now. bombs away, from mad crazed to amazin rockabilly. Fab sound of the guitar. Short intro straight to vox, with the up-tempo kinda Haley, Vincent vibe. With its bass and traditional rockabilly Up-tempo number with a brill solo break on the guitar. abit inspired by great rockabilly legends like Gallop, Seltzer etc, will have you up for jive or a bop wherever you are...feet won’t stop movin, Brill piece   

And finally, last but never least  

Uninvited guest 

Ya it an intruder alert..  or ghoulish fiends. Or both , no its just a koool rockin track, Great intro on guitar for a mo right into all together for the ending track, on the minor scale quite up-tempo again, howling ish vox, with twangy guitar scale patter,  one almost metal type of sound, at the end affirm drum beat with cymbal pattern to go with rhythm of the fast paced slappin bass which is on constant form,  


Well, what to say,  well done lads..Dahmer..ya killed it, killer sound,  Brilliant pieces definitely would love to hear more,  fantastic sounds and incorporation of the instruments and structure.  From wild Psychobilly, Gothabilly to stomp boppin rockabilly. I guess this has got a bit of it all, It wouldn’t be played in all clubs ..well not all tracks anyway, more of one for the psychobilly’s out there. I am fairly sure of a number of DJs who would be pleased to spin this sound.  Look out for these boys on the go ...and make sure ya got some energy available.... Get wrecking and Rockin....  

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