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Killer tone jones 


Please don’t touch - single 

Released 20th September 

Planet x music 

Reviewed 16th September 24 DJ Rockin Wolf 

We got a killer sound here of killer tone …. that is killer tone jones from glorious England.. hip hip.UK ..yay…, they’re back as good as ever , and brought a guest, Bamboozles Serena Sykes, After working with KTJs a number of times now with her first introduction to vox !!! hear her purr and twangin, go on gal. slap that bass (haha) 

Working with the stonking rocking, blues, psychobilly sound of mixing the likes of the cramps ‘n’ link wray , the rev heat among others…clear to hear, we got this grounding flowing sound, with Wily Bo Walker creeping yelping vox (vocals). Guitars of the haunting bending twang with Steve Midniter. The great sound of Double Bass with Serena Sykes and… Drums by Big Thumper and as his name suggests, pumping the pulse.  

With there emerging sound from what would be classed as the beyond, bringing the audio feel of sci-fi, horror, with bluesy surf -a- billy fusing a modern twist to originality. The art and cover fully describe the band and power of the unknown, invading fire throwing flying saucers with evil aliens above, while silly humans run, this just for the album poster, and death ray radio, The release of the single is portrayed by a gothy Victorian take of Frankenstein and his bride. And their band image poster… hello day of the dead in black n white. the smoking cigar of a skull n top hat worded rock n roll voodoo (all the o’s pictured as skulls) …very nice… as much as their stage presence of the skull  playing  guitar with steampunk shades on stage and the band enforcing a lot of power……!!! 


Let’s touch on the record. Well, it’s a renowned classic British sound.  originally been done several times with different touches, this time definitely with a slightly different vibe. I’d like to believe that pirate johnny kidd would be enjoying this sound being a pirate. It’s a pioneering sound, the voodoo in the track he may of even had is a little insight, has also done by Lemmy of Motorhead with Girschool, there all putting in encouragement, could even see Lord Sutch joining  these wild kats  KILLER TONE JONES…whahaha 

Track Review 

Please Don’t Touch… (or please do) 

To start with the traditional open riff, with its own signature touch of a whirin’ echo delay on the guitar, into an emphasized snare and added twangin bass, with the dual between them. spoken sung vox bringin the sound in (can also hear early polecats). 


Bending guitar at each bar end as the vox creep spookily through, and grasping vox dual on the chorus, with the drum being a constant strong rhythm carrier, and with the essential direct bounce with an unusual and unique echo distortion of its own…. masterful, a superb guitar solo of the higher pitch keeping original style riff but given its own  twist With chord breaks. all three members working in a great haunting beauty of harmony of its own kind,… and a brill cut off subtle yet grinding end.. wicked… 


Think they nailed it, This version of the record I’m expecting a lot of play especially on the more alternative scene between many a DJ, I myself am looking forward to throwing this curveball in at several shows…an for special occasions. 

Well done , you killed and rocked up and toned it…!!! 

DJ Rockin wolf 

Bio of Planet x  

We are an independent recording and music company based in the UK. 

Planet X specializes in alternative rock, rockabilly, blues and electronic music for retail and film. 

We make B movie mayhem with mystery and rhymes. Tonal terrors from the graveyards of time. Rapier riffs and cutthroat lines with snarling guitars that scratch your mind.So if you have high expectations in low places and want something different eating away your brain take a ride to Planet X and see what you might find. 

Vince rocker wolf Eavis  

More reviews on our web page.  


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