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Lords of the Highway 

Released:  July 2024 

Label: Rumble Roads Records 

Reviewed: November 2024 

Cleveland Rockers return with an offering of 10 dark tracks that demonstrate that Psychobilly is still very much alive and kicking 

Band Members:  

Denis A Bell   Vox & Guitar 

Matt Sauer   Drums & Vox 

Action Al      Upright Bass & Vox 


1/ CELLAR DWELLER:  The album kicks off with horror cinematic creaking trapdoor sounds before a descending guitar riff leads us into the 1st track Cellar Dweller. As the song suggests it is dark, it is horror themed and the minor key perfectly complements the overall feeling. It is a lively track which sets us up nicely for the rest of the album. 

2/ LIPLOCK ON THE LONGNECK: If you expect another song like Cellar Dweller the 2nd track LIPLOCK ON A LONG NECK  shows you that LORDS OF THE HIGHWAY are more than willing to mix it up. This brilliant song about drinking beer is written like traditional rock’n’roll but performed with a very modern attitude.  I love the returning California surf sound particularly the very authentic Beach Boys backing vocals. It is raw, it is fun, it is very catchy, and you will listen again and again. 

3/ CAN I HAVE YOUR SOUL: The really catchy blues shuffle guitar riff  draws you into CAN I HAVE YOUR SOUL. When the vocals start we hear another sound from Lords of the Highway and for a couple of seconds you could be mistaken in thinking that Sparky had made a guest vocal appearance. But no, this is Lords of the Highway and another great song which you just love straight away. Don’t be fooled by the title, this has a dark overtone but this is a song that will get you up and moving. 

4/ SEXUAL FRUSTRATION: The opening guitar intro sounds a little bit like Sabbath’s Paranoid but when the song gets going that is where the similarity ends. Again a very different song which again demonstrates the versatility and openness to writing songs without being chained to a specific sound.  After the 1st chorus we are treated to a double beat break which is unexpected but works really well. We may not need no sexual frustration but I’ll happily listen to this again. 

5/ HERMAN’S REVENGE: I love the drumming at the start of this instrumental, it leads us into a tremelo laden guitar riff which is catchy and even a bit sleazy and I am beginning to get really into it and then after 90 seconds we are treated to a speeded up version of The Munsters Theme tune. There is some really great use of other instruments in this (I think I hear harpsichord) which adds to the song atmosphere. This is a great interpretation and variation of a tune that anyone who’s anmyone should really know, I love it. 

6/ MENTOR MARSH MONSTER: Don’t be fooled by the intro to this song. After a few bars the double bass leads us into MENTOR MARSH MONSTER and we are treated to a fun B-Movie inspired psychobilly song . The chorus is haunting, catchy and fun and the band use some great sound effects which help add to the overall intended theme of the track. 

7/ DEVIL’S WEED: Listen out for the chorus on DEVIL’S WEED because it will stick in your head, I had it repeating in my head for 2 days after listening. This song is all about smoking  a very dodgy cigarette which that takes over you and leaves you wanting more…and more.  I love the structure of this song, the chorus is heavy but straightforward allowing us to hear the vox and understand the song subject. The chorus as well as being very catchy has some really effective female backing vocals (apologies I could not find a name to credit). 

8/ REBEL REAPER: The start of Rebel Reaper treats us to some excellent and adventurous guitar playing without the need to showboat. At first listen I believed that we were about to be treated to a 2nd instrumental  but after a minute the vocals kick in……but rather than sing, the verse is delivered in speech demonstrating another openness  to push their musical boundaries and it works really well.  The talking and the backing music works brilliantly and gets us ready for the haunting, yet brilliant chorus, think Jello Biafra in the DKs. The vocal sound similarities however does not diminish the fact that this is a very clever composition delivered vocally and instrumentally really well. I absolute love this song and am loving this band more and more. 

9/ HOBO SEXUAL: This is the shortest song on the album at 1.44m and again I can’t help but hear the similarity to The DKs but that doesn’t matter one bit. This is raw punk rock which captures early 80s US sound. The subject is homelessness and how in that situation you are prepared to do many things to get your basic needs. It is short and it is to the point. 

10/ LOT LIZARD: What a way to end the album! Lot Lizard starts with a skit between a prostitute (Lot Lizard) and a potential customer before the music starts. The main riff is repetitive and catchy complimented with a subtle backing of organ which leads us into the chant ‘You’re A Lot Lizard’ chorus. Just when you think it can’t get any better, Lords of The Highway shift the sound again, this time into early 60s Diner Do Wop type R’n’R. This works very well and closes out the song and closes out the album in real style. 

SUMMARY: I am ashamed to say that this was the first time I have listened to Lords of the Highway, I do not know how I have not heard them before. I genuinely love this record, the variety between songs is incredible and as I have already said, demonstrates the versatility of the Lords of the Highway and their willingness to not be tied to  specific genre sound.  I look forward to investigating their back catalogue. 

RECOMMENDATION: I love this record and if you want variation from the stereotypical sound of many bands who fall into this genre I would urge you to have a listen . This record will appeal to many different groups of music lovers and certainly a much larger audience than I expected when I started to research the band.  



REVIEWED BY: Cal Ross for  

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