Released 28th April 2023, Rebel Music Records 26254, available on CD & LP.
Reviewed by Terry Mead 17/02/2023.
Special thanks goes to Gian Piero Jump Gerbella for the graphics, Oscar Pirazzo for the pictures, Nasty Boys Saloon for the location , Salone Barbara Unisex for the hairstyle, Raggio di Benessere" for the make-up ,Rebel Music Records for producing the album.
Sylvia Sands is Italian as is all her musicians on the album, it is of a Rockabilly/Rock n Roll genre.
The following are all guest musician’s on the album. : Vince Mannino-Lead & Rhythm Guitar Axel Praefcke - Drums Michael “Humpty” Kircht -Rhythm & Lead Guitar Jean Pierre Wieben – Upright Bass Kevin Weber – Upright Bass Jason Starday-Rhythm Guitar Randy Richter -Piano Ike Stoye -Piano Holger Diemeyer- Piano
Evil love is Sylvia’s first album, all the songs are self-penned and written in co-operation with other musicians of the European rockin’ scene such as Vince Mannino and Axel Praefcke.
The album talks about two opposite aspects of love. Taking inspiration from real life stories, Sylvia portrays the vision of the love that seems perfect, that type of love that makes a woman feel like the Queen of the world “, everything is perfect and burns like never before but at a certain point, this perfect love reveals its real nature, it’s only a fake love, full of lies, it’s an “Evil Love “. The last song of the album “9.30 Berlin blues “is a sad song, it’s the woman final attempt to go back to the perfect love never tried before and that grows up every day.
Just a teaser:
Let’s Review Track by Track:
Rockin´ With My Baby- Rock.Rock.Roc....and you certainly will to this superb jiver that gets this album off to a off to a cracking start. The influence of Wanda Jackson runs through this track and the similarity in Sylvia’s sound is unique, there are some great guitar riffs played throughout too.
Vince Mannino- lead guitar
Michael "Humpty" Kirscht- rhythm guitar
Axel Praefcke- drums
Jean Pierre Wieben- upright bass
Growing Love- Another fine tune reminiscent of the early 1960s hit parade with its catchy bouncy beat and lyrics, there is some neat harmonising mid-way through too. Michael "Humpty" Kirscht- lead guitar and backing vocals
Vince Mannino- rhythm guitar and backing vocals
Axel Praefcke- drums and backing vocals
Jean Pierre Wieben- upright bass and backing vocals
Just A Rockin’ Mama- She certainly is even though Sylvia tells us in this track, DJ’S one to add to your strolling playlist, great guitar licks and a constant drumbeat provides the rhythm here. Michael "Humpty" Kirscht- lead guitar
Vince Mannino- rhythm guitar
Axel Praefcke- drums
Jean Pierre Wieben- upright bass
In Or Out- You tell them, Sylvia, in the lyrics to this song, lovely guitar intro and sound to this upbeat track which has you grooving along. Michael "Humpty" Kirscht- lead guitar
Vince Mannino- rhythm guitar
Axel Praefcke- drums
Jean Pierre Wieben- upright bass
Randy Richter- piano
Burning for Love- This one has a Blues Bopper feel about it with the beat and the raunchy grating sound of Sylvia Sands voice. Just love those guitar sounds from Michael Kirscht he can blast them out in a grand style.
Michael "Humpty" Kirscht- lead guitar
Vince Mannino- rhythm guitar
Axel Praefcke- drums
Jean Pierre Wieben- upright Bass
Forgive Me- Of course we do! Dig the slap on this Western style track with a few awesome guitar solos. Sylvia’s Barbara Pittman influence comes through in this track which has certainly captured the Western Swing sound of the late 1940s/early 1950s era here. Michael "Humpty" Kirscht- lead guitar
Axel Praefcke- drums
Kevin Weber - upright bass
Rock n Roll Soul- Well this track has plenty of Soul and a whole load of pace to. Jump from the rafters and bounce along the dancefloor as there’s some energy to burn off to this one. I just love the sound here so original makes you feel you’re in a time warp. Michael "Humpty" Kirscht- lead guitar and backing vocals
Axel Praefcke- drums and backing vocals
Kevin Weber - upright bass and backing vocals
Holger Diemeyer- piano
Nothin´ Else Can Be- Retro Merseybeat intro to this slow tempo track with catchy harmonising vocals throughout out and a strolling beat. Michael "Humpty" Kirscht- lead guitar and backing vocals.
Axel Praefcke- drums and backing vocals
Kevin Weber - upright bass and backing vocals
Jason Starday- rhythm guitar and backing vocals
No More Sorrow- The female influences show through on this one, another Western style track with some clever guitar licks. Sylvias voice has a combination of Cline/Martin/Pittman & Jackson on this upbeat track. Michael "Humpty" Kirscht- lead guitar
Axel Praefcke- drums
Kevin Weber - upright bass
Ike Stoye - rhythm guitar
Evil Love- Here we are the title track and off we go with a guitar/drum intro before the piano kicks in for the long haul, there are some neat tempo changes to this track which sounds like it comes straight out of Sun studios - the sound is uncanny. Michael "Humpty" Kirscht- lead guitar
Axel Praefcke- drums
Kevin Weber - upright bass
Ike Stoye – piano
9:30 Berlin Blues- So to end with, as the title suggests, a Blues number with a sound that comes out of the sleazy joints of old Berlin. Yes, it’s a sad song the end of the road to a perfect love. The tinkering piano and guitar solos have a heavy impact on the drifting sound of Sylvias deep vocals. Michael "Humpty" Kirscht- lead guitar
Axel Praefcke- drums and harmony vocals
Kevin Weber - upright bass
Jason Starday- rhythm guitar
Holger Diemeyer- piano
To summarise- Wow, this Lady is going places in the right direction if this album is anything to go by. 11 Great tracks all self-penned which keep you on the edge of your seat all different and all with a meaning. It’s always a milestone putting your first album together much thought is needed, and I feel that Sylvia Sands has done this with a unique blend of songs.
About Sylvia Sands
Silvia Donazzan was born in Bassano del Grappa (VI), Italy. In her family, music has always played a huge role. Her father Franco used to bring her to rock gigs since her early age and let her discover rock'n'roll, in fact, when she was thirteen, she listened to an Elvis Presley's tape and realized that authentic rock'n'roll was her way. Her mother Renata introduced her to sing in the church chorus. When she was twenty years old, she won some local singing contests for new voices and was called to be the singer of a local rock'n'roll band named "The Junk Dealers". After that she formed her own rockabilly band "The Rockin' Dice". During the years, Sylvia Sands has been on the rockabilly scene as artist since 2008, although she has been following all the rockabilly and rockin’ world since many years before Silvia travelled a lot across Europe and the U.S.A. to increase the knowledge on the rockin' scenes, mostly bands. She was mainly inspired by female artists from the 50's such as Wanda Jackson, Janis Martin, Patsy Cline, Barbara Pittman and from the modern era she took a lot of inspiration from Kim Lenz,Ruby Ann and Little Rachel. In September 2013 she formed the wild rockabilly band called "Sandybilly and the Wildones". With them she performed in several events all over Europe such as "Good Rockin' Tonight" (France), "Pick Up Drive" (Hungary), "Royal Rockers Club" (Switzerland), "Elvis Days" (Italy),"Sexto Vintage" (Italy), "Sun Rock Festival" (Italy), "Rock around the blues" (Italy), "Nostalgia Café" (Slovenia).From 2019 to 2020, Sylvia cooperated with Mr. Vince Mannino (from "Vince Mannino & the Sun Boppers") on guitar and they wrote together some original songs - a mix of classic Rockabilly, and wild rock'n'rollers - recorded at Lightning Recorders Studio in Berlin (Germany) on December 2019. On May 2022, Sylvia Sands returned back at Lightning Recorders Studio to complete the recording session of her self-penned songs. Sylvia Sands' first album will be released within the first quarter of 2023.
