Released - 26th march 2023 exclusively available from Reviewed – 8th April 2023 by Rockin Rebel.
Left Hand Lewis is from Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. He has been playing rock n roll for over 30 years, but this is his very first solo album. recorded at Rockit Retro studio, county Durham. He is an independent artist, and all instruments are played by himself on this album.
Review: Started performing with a band that featured his brother-in-law over thirty years ago now “wild n rockin' was their name. Ten years on moved to play with juke box jive who are now better known as the revolutionaries. All this was leading to going solo with his piano going under the name Mr Rockit. Changing his name 2012 after being both inspired by a book titled Left Hand God and of course the legendary Jerry lee Lewis. With all that left hand Lewis adapted his style to play more boogie-woogie alongside the Rock n roll. Chatting about the future gave us the exclusive news that he plans on two new releases this year. The first will be a rockabilly album that will be piano based with some original tracks and at the end of the year an all Elvis album, watch this space for more news.
Track by track. The Worrying Kind (Dewar- Lampert) First released in 1958 I believe by Tommy Sands on the Capitol records. A perfect rendition of this classic stroller. Great vocals all the way through. Playing all the instruments needed amazing mixing and this never misses a beat. Great opening track.
Shake it Up. (Jennings-Bachelor) Cracking version of the 1958 track from Sandy Scott. This is a no-messing cover version keeping it just how it should be done, so close to the original that you could easily believe it’s the same track. It’s only the female backing vocals that gives it away. Shake it up was only the flip side on the original release of Rainbow Love.
Baby let’s play house (Gunter) Keeping to the Sun style of Elvis’s version of this 1954 Excello Records label release by Arthur Gunter. Elvis started with the chorus instead of the first verse as does this version. Love the Bass on this version which is exactly how Bill Black wanted it to sound. Vocally once again is spot on. Great rockin version.
Move it on Over (Williams) First recording on April 21, 1947, and released on June 6, 1947 by composer Hank Williams. It’s been covered by many different artists. Most will remember the 1958 version from Bill Haley and his Comets. And with this version I can say you get a mix of them both. Vocally not much different from Hank’s voice and delivery where the music is the rockin’ version from Mr Hayley. But whichever way this is a great version who once again displays an ear for a song.
Red Cadillac and a Black moustache Written by Lilian May and Willie Bea Thompson and first recorded by Bob Luman on the imperial label in 1957. Super version from Lewis delivering a great vocal, and once again showing us the talent he has for the soundtrack. Guitar is just in ear shot while the drums and bass keep the rhythm beat.
Go Way Hound Dog (Johnson) This is an awesome version from Lewis. Replacing the Harmonica with the guitar gives it a fresh sound, but it is then a carbon copy of the original track. Lewis’s vocals change to give us the cliff Johnson style of singing. Brilliant tack.
School Days (Berry) Chess label release for this Chuck Berry’s written track from 1957, and also known as School Days (Ring Ring Goes The Bell). Lewis gives us his version of this early rock n roll classic with some great guitar riffs and the piano making its appearance in the background. Great cover.
Black Slacks (Joe – Denton) Performed by Joe Bennett & the Sparkletones in 1957. Some great bass on this version and very well played guitar break. Lewis gives us a great vocal on this rockabilly classic. Seems to be able to adapt his vocals to any track so far. Super version.
Rockabilly Boogie (Burnettes) What a track to end on! The classic track from Johnny Burnette. Once again, a carbon copy of the classic delivered by lewis. Very good track and once again the vocals are spot on.
Summary: This is a great cover album from start to finish. Left Hand Lewis is a great singer and musician. The album consists of nine truly great covers that kept me entertained so much that I played it twice. Some new releases from him are due later in the year and I must say I can’t wait for them. This is the first solo album, and it makes an impact, so the next one which will feature more piano influenced boogie-woogie will also be a winning formula. Great album.
Recommendation Of course, it's ROCK N ROLL at its finest.
