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The Legendary Kid Combo - Booze, Bucks, Death and Chick

Released 2008 on Stay Sick Records, re-released on CD by Billy’s Bones Records / Raucous Records. Reviewed by Kate 26th May 2023

Buy the limited edition coloured vinyl here:

The Legendary Kid Combo are: Don Bat - vocals, electric guitar Lucky Luke - vocals, acoustic guitar Big Boss Segala - double bass El Sentenza - banjo Maestro Massa - accordion Dr. Cyclops Viola - drums, washboard

All the way from Venice, Italy, the Legendary Kid Combo kicked off Italian night at Pineda Del Mar last year in spectacular style, sharing their indefinable blend of saloon rockabilly meets Gogol Bordello outsider craziness. To get the hype going before this year’s Psychobilly Meeting, let’s revisit where is all started for the time travelling troubadours…

Dead City - Heavy on the bluesy, strutting country tones, we’re introduced that what the band have trademarked as ‘cockabilly’ (to be interpreted however you please). It’s all about the rolling country tones and harsh country villainy.

A Hole in the Bottle - Time for a fiesta and a hoedown at the same time in this banjo pickin’ line dancing number with that raucous shout along that trademarks their style.

The Cock is Going Mad - I’m 90% sure they’re talking about a crazy chicken, but as the vocals speed up and the tempo goes wild, who really cares? It’s another big dance number with the banjo leading.

Why Don’t You Love Me? - We’re growing lazier and slightly more unhinged as we head down to the swamp. Vocals harmonise as a redneck relationship breaks down and there’s something really charming about the bitterness in the melody.

Silver River - A ballad turns into a tongue in cheek white water raft ride as the slap bass drives the action. All their songs are the aural equivalent of the mine cart ride at a theme park and it’s so much fun.

Titina - There’s drama south of the border in this daring instrumental, every increasing in tempo like it’s in a chase sequence with itself. Castanets and latin rhythms power the frantic energy.

Don’t Stop The Rhythm - A sweet and innocent number with deep, shout along backing vocals and some intense slap bass power lurking under the surface. Seriously, these guys are such a fun and unpredictable group with a sense of fun that almost dares you to try and label them.

Where I’ll Go - Keeping it simple with acoustic guitar and those heavily-accented vocals to start, we’ve got a rousing rambling tune with a tinge of regret between spoon taps and peppy melodic tickles.

Rawhide - Why not cover the classic TV theme song? Just add in a ton more atmosphere and moodiness, and make the rhythm section king and a clear glee in the echoed sections and you’re onto a winner.

Bring Me Your Daughter - He’s in love with the young lady and wants help with impressing her in a guitar heavy track that wouldn’t be out of place in a comedy Western. Time to link arms with the person of your choice and swing each other round and round…

Too Much Whiskey Between You and Me - Honky Tonk under rapid fire vocal gymnastics and banjo acrobatics. It’s very cute and top points for washboard usage.

Booze and Bucks - Time for the party to reach it’s peak and everyone to reach for their drink of choice as everything kicks up a notch. Keep your guns and harmonicas primed as their vintage country stylings reach their fastest.

The great thing about festivals is that you always find a new band to love, and the Legendary Kid Combo were my picks of ‘unknown but loving it’ from last year. Who knows what this year will bring to rival their caffeinated barnyard stylings?

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